Childbirth Education Including Breastfeeding 
$190.00 (without Breastfeeding $125.00)

This class is a very thorough & evidence based. 

Taught by Christine Cassella through our partnership with Resilient Birth and Botanicals & Madison Hendry through our partnership with MamaBird Hendry

Upcoming one day condensed programs for 2024:
January 14
March 3
May 5
August 4
October 6
December 8
All childbirth classes run 1pm - 4pm 

Prepare your Nest
Breastfeeding course:

Infant Care
$75.00 per couple (add additional caregivers $25 each)

Our education uses guidelines from the American Academy of Pediatrics and other trusted sources. Topics include, Umbilical cord care, common skin conditions in infants, diapering, circumcision and Intact care, hygiene and bathing, how to take a temperature, feeding cues, bottle and formula preparation, burping baby, safe sleep, basic car seat safety. Participants will also receive an infant care guide for future referencing. 

Infant Care Class - All Classes Run 10am - 12pm
March 3
May 5
August 4
October 6
December 8

Copyright Mother Rising 2023