Birth Doula - $1200

Discounts for repeat families
If you are in need of financial assistance, please let us know.. We believe every family deserves a doula!

Birth doula services include:
  • Two prenatal visits 
  • Birth and Postpartum Planning
  • Unlimited phone and e-mail contact
  • Support during labor at home, hospital or birth center
  • Support to initiate breastfeeding 
  • At least one follow-up visit at your home
  • Monthly Birth Circle meetings
  • Access to our Lending Library 
  • Coverage by a qualified backup doula
  • Handouts and Worksheets to help you prepare

Postpartum Doula - $33-$35/hr

The postpartum doula’s role is to support and nurture the mother, the family, and the home with the purpose of empowering parents as they adjust to their new roles. Your postpartum doula strives to create an atmosphere of calm, loving support while encouraging vital parent/infant bonding. She will be there to help the new parents feel rested and supported, but she also comes with a wealth of knowledge, understanding, and resources.

Offers education, companionship, and nonjudgmental support during the postpartum fourth trimester

Assists with newborn care, family adjustment, meal preparation, and light household tidying

Offers evidence-based information on infant feeding, emotional and physical recovery from birth, infant soothing, and coping skills for new parents and makes appropriate referrals when necessary.

Pregnancy Mentor - $600

A pregnancy mentor is your personal consultant during your pregnancy. She is available to you by phone, email, text, and in person for questions and support during your pregnancy and early labor. She provides information specific to you and your pregnancy.
A pregnancy mentor is for mothers/couples who do not wish to have a doula present at the actual birth or perhaps already have the support of a partner/mother/friend/sister.

**If you are considering this option for financial reasons, please discuss payment options with us for our Birth Doula services. Multiple studies have shown that a doula's presence at birth is very beneficial.**

Love from Clients

"I recently delivered my first baby with the help of a support team which included a doula, Danielle. Before labor, I wasn't sure exactly what a doula does but got one on recommendation of my midwife and every literature I've read. I used the site to find a doula and selected Danielle randomly. On our meeting, I realized she was as kind and caring as her profile came across.
Now after the delivery, I am very happy with my choice, because Danielle was an amazing presence at my baby's birth. Without Danielle I would have never managed to achieve my goal of a natural birth. She was calm, professional, caring, tremendously knowledgeable, and extremely supportive. My husband and I were amazed and so grateful for the wonderful birth experience that was possible because of our lovely doula. I recommend her to all my friends and family and hope she's available for any future deliveries I may have."

"My husband and I welcomed our second son in to the world on December 23rd. We sought out Danielle as our Doula because after our first son's standard hospital birth we knew that we wanted to do things differently and that meant that we need to have a team who supported us and our not so conventional birth plan. After interviewing quite a few Doulas we met Danielle. She was perfect for us! She was kind,calm, compassionate and understanding of our wants and needs. She understood that taking us on as clients meant that she would not just have to help me through an unmedicated water birth but also jump in as a surrogate mother to our two and a half year old son, helping him understand that mommy is ok and working hard to bring his baby brother into the world. Danielle was my go to girl throughout my pregnancy. Doulas jobs are so much more than just helping you through labor. They're a shoulder to lean on and ear to listen when you need it throughout your pregnancy.I called Danielle with all kinds of questions from your standard“is it normal to be...”pregnancy questions to second time mother worries like"I'm scared, how am I going to find the time to give both of the boys the attention they need?"Danielle answered all my questions and put my mind at ease. She herself is a mother of five and I found her wisdom and experience as a mother invaluable! When the big day came Danielle showed up with her motherly warmth and lighthearted kindness. We knew it was going to be a great birth. We labored at home for a few hours then I decided that it was time to head to the hospital. Just four and a half hours after arriving at the hospital we had our son. A completely unmedicated water birth with big brother present and calm throughout the whole labor and delivery. Danielle was there for us through it all! There were times when I wanted to give up and give in but she was a rock and helped our family have the birth we wanted. We could not have done it without out her steady support!"
"Our baby was born with Danielle's wonderful assistance in May of this year. We were so happy we worked with Danielle, who was a pilar of positivity, affirmation and strength from the moment we first spoke on the phone. She met with us twice in person before our due date and was always available for answering questions and providing reassurance. She was a great assistance during a long, and eventually quite painful, labor. She was practical, focused, positive and encouraging. She and my husband and our midwives were an amazing team...and we have lasting memories of our happiest day because of the gorgeous photographs she took immediately after the baby was born. She came to our home after the baby was born to follow up with us. It was so appreciated. We would absolutely work with Danielle again in the future should we have that opportunity. We recommend her without reservation to anyone who is thinking of working with a doula - which everyone who is planning a natural labor and birth should do!"

"Danielle was instrumental in assisting my husband and I accomplish out goal of a water birth for the birth of our second child. Danielle used techniques that were extremely helpful to me such as helping me stay positive, massage, understanding my needs and even helping my husband better understand my needs to assist me! Danielle really showed endless compassion and support to the both my husband and I. Danielle also helped me deal with fears and assured me things were OK and normal at different stages of the birth. The birth of my daughter could not have gone better and I still think about the amazing experience almost everyday... And it is thanks to Danielle! I truly don't think things would have gone so smoothly without her! I am so thankful that we had her by our side. Also, she was able to photograph my beautiful birth experience, which was such a wonderful bonus! I highly recommend Danielle as a doula!"
"My experience with Danielle was nothing but pleasant, professional, personable and wonderful. You can tell she loves what she does and she is great at it. She has a compassion that you can see the first time you talk with her.
The first time I spoke with Danielle I was assured she was the one, she also answered all my questions without sounding annoyed. The day of the birth she was wonderful. She did whatever I needed her to do and where ever I needed her to be. I had a minor hiccup that was not part of my ideal birth but she supported me and was helpful in the decision process. She was a great support person emotionally, verbally and hands on. She stayed with me till I went to my postpartum room still supporting my husband and I. She came to the house after the birth just to check on us and recap of the days events.
She captured beautiful moments in pictures that brought tears to my eyes. I am so thankful that I have those pictures to look back and remember all the emotion and excitement in the room. Would I recommend Danielle? I would 100%, others will enjoy the compassion she has."
"My husband and I welcomed our beautiful baby girl on November 19, 2012. I was in labor for 23 hours, 14 of which were wonderfully and comfortably spent at home. We called Danielle to come to our home after about 11 hours of labor as the contractions became more intense. As soon as she arrived to our home, she immediately turned on the "zen" and helped my husband with strategies to help me cope, such as massage and double hip squeeze (yes, 23 glorious hours of back labor!). When we arrived at the hospital, Danielle provided amazing support and beautifully corresponded with the medical staff and our anxious family of 8 in the waiting room. This really gave my husband and I the focus we needed to get through our natural, first-time birth. She also did a wonderful job of keeping my husband "in the zone" to keep him from panicking! I truly do not know if I would have been able to go through with the natural Hypnobirth we had planned if not for the support and encouragement from Danielle. As the delivery time approached, she alerted the nurse right away and worked exceptionally well with the midwife and other medical personnel. She also took pictures for us as soon as she was born, which was a beautiful thing to capture! When it was time to visit with family, she respectfully stepped out, returned to check on us to make sure we were settled, and she went on her way! She came to our home for a follow-up visit and to see the baby a few weeks later. I am so glad we had made the decision to seek a doula, and I could not have made a more promising, devoted, compassionate choice than Danielle! I will definitely use her services for any future children we may have!"
"I can't say enough about how much Danielle helped us.  My first child was preemie (and it was scary), so for our second, I thought a doula might help us stay calm and have a better labor/delivery experience.  Danielle was always calm, always reassuring but honest, and helped ME to stay calm because she had some ideas of what's "normal."  She was available for lots of nutty questions. (Maybe I shouldn't advertise that?) During the actual delivery, Danielle and my husband both kept me calm and I felt like she was on our team. Five stars!"

Copyright Mother Rising 2023